Little Doctor Virtual Training With Snow Ball Technique In Pandemic Covid 19 Era In Elementary School In Malang

Merlya Balbeid, Dyah Nawang Palupi Pratamawari, Khusnul Munika Listari, Zefry Zainal Abidin, Trias Arlis Subekti, Renita Rahma Chairu Nisa


Even in this Pandemic Covid 19, counseling is not done face-to-face, because it avoids the risk of transmission Covid-19 virus. The method was through audiovisual media with online meeting. This activity was carried out using the snow-ball technique, 6 elementary schools doing this activity. The activity started with dental training through the zoom with room separation in breakout rooms. After that were held for Little Doctors activities to educate 5 friends. Results obtained from the pre-test and post-test, the percentage of correct answers was below 50% on pre-test, while in the post-test results the percentage of correct answers was above 50% and some even 100% correct. There is a difference knowledge level oral health of students by little doctor with online education in pandemic Covid-19 Era in elementary school Malang.


Little doctor; Virtual training; Snowball technique; Pandemic Covid-19

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