Little Doctor Virtual Training With Snow Ball Technique In Pandemic Covid 19 Era In Elementary School In Malang
Even in this Pandemic Covid 19, counseling is not done face-to-face, because it avoids the risk of transmission Covid-19 virus. The method was through audiovisual media with online meeting. This activity was carried out using the snow-ball technique, 6 elementary schools doing this activity. The activity started with dental training through the zoom with room separation in breakout rooms. After that were held for Little Doctors activities to educate 5 friends. Results obtained from the pre-test and post-test, the percentage of correct answers was below 50% on pre-test, while in the post-test results the percentage of correct answers was above 50% and some even 100% correct. There is a difference knowledge level oral health of students by little doctor with online education in pandemic Covid-19 Era in elementary school Malang.
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