Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village

Mochammad Yosi Pratikno, Ani Budi Astuti, Yasma Aziza Ul Akrimah, Endryana Seftyaningtyas, Siva Nur Alvia, Bayu Hangga Trio Eko Putro


The program carried out to overcome food problems is CAMPA. The CAMPA program provides training on the processing of local food ingredients, namely suweg into several preparations such as noodles, meatballs, cookies, and cereals. The method used in this study is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, a method that involves the dominant role of the community in the concept of empowerment


Suweg; Participatory Action Research (PAR); Community Empowerment

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