AIANG: Revolutionizing Student Productivity and Well-being in the Bangkit Program through AI-Driven Schedule Management

Haris Muhlisin, Y Yatini


This research delves into the creation and application of AIANG, an AI-based application, focusing on its development for enhancing productivity and its benefits for a wide range of individuals, particularly students in the Bangkit Cohort Batch 2 2023. AIANG is designed to manage schedules and activities, recommending based on user input and stress levels, aiming to reduce stress and improve productivity. The study employs statistical and qualitative methods to assess AIANG's impact, highlighting its potential in addressing quarter-life crises, empowering students, and supporting SMEs and public sector employees. The findings suggest that AIANG could effectively manage academic schedules, providing a practical solution to course density and stress management. This research aims to understand the rationale behind AIANG's development, its positive impact on productivity, and its potential to address societal challenges. It underscores the importance of integrating technology in innovative ways to enhance daily life, education, and work efficiency, with a specific focus on the needs of the Bangkit Cohort Batch 2 2023.


AIANG, Artificial Intelegence, Busy Schedule, Productivity

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